Gullion Indenture

Fayette County Kentucky Circuit Court Book A, page 460 – 461
This Indenture made this Fifteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and three between Henry Gullion of Franklin County Kentucky, of the one part, and Patrick Gullion and Mary his wife, father and mother of the said Henry, and Edmond P. Gullion, son of the said Henry Gullion of the other part. Witnesseth that whereas the said Henry Gullion and his said Father and Mother purchased of John Franks a Lott in the town of Lexington whereon the said Patrick Gullion and Mary his wife now reside and it was agreed between the parties that the said Patrick Gullion and his wife should use, occupy and enjoy the said Lott and appurtenances thereto belonging, during the natural life of them and each of them and at their death that it should decend to the eldest son of the said Henry, and in consequence thereof a deed was executed on the 10th day of August 1796 by the said John M. Franks to Edmond Gullion, son aforesaid Henry Gullion, to the said Lott and whereas the said Edmond hath since departed this life and it is the intention of the parties that the aforesaid agreement should continue and be carried into complete effect.

Now know ye that I Henry Gullion, for myself and as heir to my deceased son Edmond for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I bear for my Father and Mother and my second son Edmond P. Gullion and for the further consideration of one dollar to me in hand paid the receipt whereof I hereby acknowledge, have given granted bargained and sold and by these presents do give, grant, bargain and sell unto the said Patrick Gullion and Mary his wife, during their and each of their natural lives and to the said Edmond P. Gullion, forever thereafter all that Lott or parcel of ground in the Town of Lexington being part of out Lott No ___ binding on Mulberry sixty feet and thirteen poles back joining Amos Gustin and Robert McMullins Lott being the same whereon the said Patrick and Mary now live and which was conveyed to Edmond Gullion by John M. Franks by deed dated aforesaid and recorded in the clerks office of the Lexington District Court together with all the improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. To have and to hold the said Lott and premises unto the said Patrick Gullion and Mary his wife during their and each of their natural lives and to the said Edmond P Gullion forever thereafter hereby warranting and defending the same against the claim or claims of my self my heirs and all persons claiming or to claim by from or under them or either of them. In witnes whereof I the said Henry Gullion have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and date first above written.

Executed in presence of

Thomas Bodley
William Todd
Robert McMillion
J. Hawkins, Jur.

Henry Gullion

State of Kentucky Fayette Circuit Pct: I Thomas Bodley Clerk of the Court for the Circuit aforesaid do certify that the within Indenture was this day Acknowledged before me by Henry Gullion party thereto And a true copy thereof is entered on record in my office. Given uner my hand this 24th July 1803.

Thomas Bodley, CFC